Wednesday, February 21, 2007

It's easier not to be great

Well it's been quite some time since I (or anybody else) has updated.

I know I haven't been around much lately... But for the most part, nothing has really been organised for stuff to do... Except while I was in queensland. But now when something spontaneous is happening I have made other plans by then. I really want more than anything for Meagan to get along with you guys.

I keep trying to organise things but it doesnt work... I'm going to host predrinks at mine tomorrow... and i was like perfect opportunity... but meagan has to play netball so cant come...

It feels awkward around people now too... because it feels like most people have already decided she is rude and thats that.

I'm not trying to ditch anybody... I just want to be happy though... The last time I actually felt happy with myself was almost 2 years ago i think.

In other news, my holiday was great.