Sunday, January 14, 2007

I'll be your dirty little secret and you'll be mine.

So freaking tired but i don't feel like sleeping atm. Meagan has stayed here 3 nights out of the last four I realised today. That might have something to do with it. It feels lonely now going to bed without saying goodnight to somebody. It took until last night to finally find a position to sleep in, in which we are both comfortable enough to sleep...

I really wanna make it work with meagan. I have to try very hard to control my jealously... I have a habit of getting jealous way too easy and unwarrented... I've warned meagan this after i've said something once... and I told her if i ever get like that just hit me and remind me that im an idiot... lol... One of my many flaws.
I wanna be a good boyfreind. :)

Hmm other notes... work is shitting me up the wall... though on the upside i havent been spending much money at all lately especially not drinking... and with my car playing up last week there was no petrol cost either... so i'm saving a bit of money up on top of money from christmas. 6 months ago it woulda been long gone on extractors and a chip but i'm over the car thing... It doesn't need to go faster... Do have insurance due in march which'll hurt a bit.. though hopefully since i've been driving nearly 3 years(... FUCK!! i'm feeling old... ) without a claim it won't be extortionate...


Steve said...

Dw steve, im sure youll make a good boyfreind

Jason said...

I see at least 5 grammatical errors in your nit-pick Fudgey; you fail at picking on other people's writing. ;-)

Steve said...

ahh but i wasnt picking on grammer, only on spelling.

Jason said...

Considering improper contractions mean two of the structures in your so-called sentence aren't technically words you lose at that as well. :-P

"Dw Steve, I'm sure you'll make a good boyfreind."