Sunday, May 27, 2007

I could be violet sky

Since it's becoming the latest craze, I might have to partake in this "random thought process"

I am Stephen, though only my mum doesn't shorten it these days
I have weird nipples
I complain too much
Nobody listens
I feel better about myself this month than I have in the past 4 years
I have mild dyslexic characteristics
I have a natural ability to learn quickly when I set my mind to it
I often don't
I am compulsed to capitolise all my I's and place apostrophe's where required
I wish I could sing
I can't
I have very good cognitive skills
I have no co-ordination
I am a serial monogamist
I am not a cereal monogamist
I often think of word origins
I don't beleive there is a God nor a god
If keyboards had mathematical symbols, I would type with them
The grass is greener on the other side
Is that because the other side is a vacant block and nobody cuts it?
I get paranoid alone at night
I hold my stomache muscles tense far too often
I like to feel smart so I often make other people feel stupid
Cold water tastes better than warm water
Warm water has more calories

And time can do so much...

At least since my first year at uni there has been graffiti in one of the computer labs. A lab which must have well over 100 students passing through it every day.

On the wall there is a sign which reads:

No... Eating
No... Drinking
No... Smoking

Now somebody decided to add below it on the sign

No... Juggling

In what appears to be permanent marker. Keep in mind this sign is quite obviously placed.

Sometime in my first year (2004), I was bored and checked if it was permanent marker. It isn't. I removed the "No..." with a quick wipe, so the sign just had the word "Juggling" written on it.

To this day the sign appears unchanged.

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Watching the clock...

Does anybody still read this?

Exams coming up soon. Havent really thought about them yet though. Just used a 6 months membership to the gym mum won in a raffle a while back, so hopefully i can continue to go. I havent drank anything other water in teh last week except 1 glass of OJ. I haven't had take-away in the last week either.

Blogging doesnt have the same pleasure as it used to... I think i must have finally found something better to do with myself

Saturday, May 12, 2007

By now you shoulda somehow realised what you gotta do...

So... It's been a really long time... Seems this blog is getting quite neglected as of late.

Still haven't decided on a car. Those options are long gone too i think. I want a manual I've decided too. Only i'm too scared to test drive manuals while people are watching cos i'll probably fuck it up royally.

I've decided on a maths honours.. not physics. Gonna do some physics subjects so I can still learn good old QFT if they offer it next year... Must learn that. But will be doing mostly maths... math is fun anyways.

Gonna have another take home exam for the 'hard maths' i'm doing too soon... Another day or two of being confined to a room with books.