Thursday, May 24, 2007

Watching the clock...

Does anybody still read this?

Exams coming up soon. Havent really thought about them yet though. Just used a 6 months membership to the gym mum won in a raffle a while back, so hopefully i can continue to go. I havent drank anything other water in teh last week except 1 glass of OJ. I haven't had take-away in the last week either.

Blogging doesnt have the same pleasure as it used to... I think i must have finally found something better to do with myself


Ben said...

Hey I still read these things. Haven't had time to post tho. After uni finishes i shall.

Jason said...

I still read the blogs, although my available time for doing so is as always diminished around the weekend, so it sometimes takes me a day or two to spot things.