Call me young gun....
First hangover in a while... I hear I was pretty drunk last night. I feel as though I was pretty drunk last night too.
I fell off of the back of darrens car while he was taking off :S
I'm not too sure about much else that happened actually... I did eat a majesty burger again unfortunately. Quite wish I hadn't done that.
Heather walked home to Tyabb.
I also ended up talking to a random mutual freind of heather & kristy (kristy is one of meagans freinds who is also usually at karaoke), and I think heather called her on my phone when we were at maccas (need verification) and then she was messaging me this morning.
Lets move onto news which I do remember...
I have the rear speakers from the vn in the new car. Finally good quality music.
And I disconnected one of the subs so I have one slightly underpowered sub as opposed to two massively underpowered subs and it sounds a whole lot better. Gotta get the fronts out of the vn and figure out how to get them into the vs.
Still gotta get it lowered... Not sure how to do it, nor if i wanna do it myself or just take it to a mechanics and pay them the $50 or whatever it'd be to do it.
Still haven't sorted out a project for this honours thing.
Up and down and back again