Sunday, July 15, 2007

From misery to happiness today...

Well for those whom I haven't bragged to yet. I got my best uni marks ever last semester. It's also the last semester of my degree technically. It seems I have completed my Bachelor of Science Degree and I now commence my Honours Degree of Bachelor of Science. About time to finally pull my head in. Had I got 1 other mark in 3rd year in the same range as the 3 subjects I did last semester I would be on a $2000 scholarship. Mum's been bragging to everybody heaps and I've been telling her to stop it because its embarrassing. She pointed out though that I'm the only person in her side of the family to ever get a degree. I'm the second person from the other side of the family. It was an average of 87. (which is a freaking good uni mark)

For perspective:

(year-semester: average)

2004-1: 76
2004-2: 79
2005-1: 46
2005-2: 61
2006-1: 75
2006-2: 64
2007-1: 87

So there ya go. I'm happy.


Jason said...


caz said...

Yeah congrats dude, that's awesome!

Shazzie said...

Brag away Steve Michael, you deserve it! They are fantastic results! We are all very proud of you :)