Sunday, March 25, 2007

Everybody wants respect. Just a little bit...

Well, in somewhat slightly spontaneous act. I Typed up
I hereby resign my position with Woolworths Ltd.... Before going into work today and gave it to the boss when I got there. I had considered it but decided I should keep on working sundays but I've just had enough. Now I'm pretty much a bum.

With regards to Scott and Ben's comments to my last post... I think I do want to work in a university. I'll avoid all the practical stuff though if i can. I'd like to be a theoretician. I want to learn about string theory. And general rel. The kinds of physics that is more maths and philosophy than actually physics. I think as long as i survive my honours project that I'll apply to do my PhD... One thing that I have been thinking about that I hadn't previously considered is the option to do honours in maths instead of physics. Because none of the physics projects involve general rel... It's a toss up between string theory (with physics) or G.R. (with maths)... I think i'd like to do my honours project on G.R. but my PhD on string theory... but I don't think that's an option. I wonder if i'd be able to do a project with maths solely for the education next semester... then start honours in physics next year... String theorist... That job title has a good ring to it eh?

Hmm i got distracted from this post reading string theory pdf's... Wish it made more sense...

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