Another relocation...
Just to piss ye off.
Another relocation...
Just to piss ye off.
Posted by Steve at 10:18 PM
First hangover in a while... I hear I was pretty drunk last night. I feel as though I was pretty drunk last night too.
I fell off of the back of darrens car while he was taking off :S
I'm not too sure about much else that happened actually... I did eat a majesty burger again unfortunately. Quite wish I hadn't done that.
Heather walked home to Tyabb.
I also ended up talking to a random mutual freind of heather & kristy (kristy is one of meagans freinds who is also usually at karaoke), and I think heather called her on my phone when we were at maccas (need verification) and then she was messaging me this morning.
Lets move onto news which I do remember...
I have the rear speakers from the vn in the new car. Finally good quality music.
And I disconnected one of the subs so I have one slightly underpowered sub as opposed to two massively underpowered subs and it sounds a whole lot better. Gotta get the fronts out of the vn and figure out how to get them into the vs.
Still gotta get it lowered... Not sure how to do it, nor if i wanna do it myself or just take it to a mechanics and pay them the $50 or whatever it'd be to do it.
Still haven't sorted out a project for this honours thing.
Up and down and back again
Posted by Steve at 6:03 PM
Perhaps they'll listen now...
Finally bought a car. Seems like a "me" car.
It's a Tiger Mica VS Series 1 with a clubby kit.
My to-do list for this car:
Lower the back end. It was lower but the guy had to put original springs in the back for the rwc.
Either get the wheels dipped cos the chrome is shitted, or put the wheels from the VN on it.
Change the whole fucking stereo system. Goodbye Sorny "explode"
Darken the tail lights & blacken the plastic grey bit that all VS's have between the tail lights.
Things I'd like to do depending on cost:
Power windows... the aclaims and berlina's came with it so it cant be that hard to rip out the whole lot from a wreckers right?
Red Pearl...
A nice interior
Votes please:
Get the chrome wheels dipped and keep them, or use the wheels from my other car?
I forgot... so um yeh there was something else but its forgotten...
Posted by Steve at 5:55 PM
Ok... I'm on my way back down again.
Sinus headaches are back. Feeling pretty tired these days, and generally weak. Gotta get to the docs.
Finally got my office key today. Still haven't met the people I'm in the office with though. Well one guy I've met a few times.
Though I don't think he is overly keen on the people he is in the office with because everyone else in the office is doing a different kind of maths. So he wants to see if the few of us doing analysis can get put in the same office. We'll see.
Got some stuff to read up on for my essay/project... don't really know what its on about..
For anybody interested; lookup "positive mass theorem"
Then tell me what its on about :)
Posted by Steve at 2:35 AM
Well for those whom I haven't bragged to yet. I got my best uni marks ever last semester. It's also the last semester of my degree technically. It seems I have completed my Bachelor of Science Degree and I now commence my Honours Degree of Bachelor of Science. About time to finally pull my head in. Had I got 1 other mark in 3rd year in the same range as the 3 subjects I did last semester I would be on a $2000 scholarship. Mum's been bragging to everybody heaps and I've been telling her to stop it because its embarrassing. She pointed out though that I'm the only person in her side of the family to ever get a degree. I'm the second person from the other side of the family. It was an average of 87. (which is a freaking good uni mark)
For perspective:
(year-semester: average)
2004-1: 76
2004-2: 79
2005-1: 46
2005-2: 61
2006-1: 75
2006-2: 64
2007-1: 87
So there ya go. I'm happy.
Posted by Steve at 5:24 AM
Dear Diary,
This is not about emotion...
Last night I got drunk.
Was one of those nights. Been a long time since I've stayed out 'til close. Was so much fun. Except that I forgot my atm card so when I tried to get cash out for my taxi, I was in a bit of strife. But lets rewind...
First entertaining thing of the evening was Daz. Darren was pretty darn smashed. I was impressed. We order drinks by colour. Jason had a yellow and I had a purple. Then I started singing I could be hurtful, I could be purple. Jason ate a shnitzel sandwhich at 3am. I was trying to moonwalk all night. I beleive I succeeded at some point. I played guitar in primary school with EJ. Some weird chick kept trying to talk to me. She even grabbed me on the way past and had a photo taken with the photo guy. She wasn't even attractive. I can "dance" lower to the ground than lennice. My feet hurt. Even Sean and Nat came out. That's about as much entertaining stuff as I can remember.
So back to the getting home.
I tried calling mum, then meg, then even amy like the good old days, but nobody answered their phone. So I started walking home... Actually the funny part of this story is the fact I forgot my bank card. In the end I managed to wake up mum and she picked me up from just past JB and that... I made it pretty far pretty fast cos it was bloody cold...
In other news: this is an inappropriate place for a colon. And my colon has been alcohol poisoned.
It's like bold and italic :
Yeh so as I was trying to say, I just had my take-home exam for the 'hard maths' I have come to realise there is only 4 of us actually enrolled. So I hope he doesn't try to get a good spread of marks. I think I did reasonably well. I'd be surprised if I don't get higher than 75 for the subject. And annoyed if I don't get a HD (80+). So while I was there I had a talk to some people about my honours and actually lodged my application. It's a maths honours for those who I haven't told or forgot. I googled the topic that my project may be on so people can have a read of something about it and the first thing that came up was THIS. In the second last paragraph it mentions two people. Bartnik and Mckinnon. I'm pretty sure that Bartnik is Robert Bartnik who would be my supervisor. He did mention that not many people had looked at these equations in the last 20 years other than him. He was talking about having me solve the Einstein-Yang/Mills equations with a non-zero electric field. N.B. I Also don't know what this really means or involves. Sounds fun though. I hope nothing goes totally foul and I don't end up getting into honours. I'll be so dissapointed.
Posted by Steve at 5:26 PM
Since it's becoming the latest craze, I might have to partake in this "random thought process"
I am Stephen, though only my mum doesn't shorten it these days
I have weird nipples
I complain too much
Nobody listens
I feel better about myself this month than I have in the past 4 years
I have mild dyslexic characteristics
I have a natural ability to learn quickly when I set my mind to it
I often don't
I am compulsed to capitolise all my I's and place apostrophe's where required
I wish I could sing
I can't
I have very good cognitive skills
I have no co-ordination
I am a serial monogamist
I am not a cereal monogamist
I often think of word origins
I don't beleive there is a God nor a god
If keyboards had mathematical symbols, I would type with them
The grass is greener on the other side
Is that because the other side is a vacant block and nobody cuts it?
I get paranoid alone at night
I hold my stomache muscles tense far too often
I like to feel smart so I often make other people feel stupid
Cold water tastes better than warm water
Warm water has more calories
Posted by Steve at 11:58 PM
At least since my first year at uni there has been graffiti in one of the computer labs. A lab which must have well over 100 students passing through it every day.
On the wall there is a sign which reads:
No... Eating
No... Drinking
No... Smoking
Now somebody decided to add below it on the sign
No... Juggling
In what appears to be permanent marker. Keep in mind this sign is quite obviously placed.
Sometime in my first year (2004), I was bored and checked if it was permanent marker. It isn't. I removed the "No..." with a quick wipe, so the sign just had the word "Juggling" written on it.
To this day the sign appears unchanged.
Posted by Steve at 11:27 PM
Does anybody still read this?
Exams coming up soon. Havent really thought about them yet though. Just used a 6 months membership to the gym mum won in a raffle a while back, so hopefully i can continue to go. I havent drank anything other water in teh last week except 1 glass of OJ. I haven't had take-away in the last week either.
Blogging doesnt have the same pleasure as it used to... I think i must have finally found something better to do with myself
Posted by Steve at 5:53 AM
So... It's been a really long time... Seems this blog is getting quite neglected as of late.
Still haven't decided on a car. Those options are long gone too i think. I want a manual I've decided too. Only i'm too scared to test drive manuals while people are watching cos i'll probably fuck it up royally.
I've decided on a maths honours.. not physics. Gonna do some physics subjects so I can still learn good old QFT if they offer it next year... Must learn that. But will be doing mostly maths... math is fun anyways.
Gonna have another take home exam for the 'hard maths' i'm doing too soon... Another day or two of being confined to a room with books.
Posted by Steve at 2:37 AM
Starting to feel more an more like an adult these days.
Thinking about life with 2.5 Children. And a dog.
Scary hey?
5 years ago we were in year 11, that doesn't really seem like all that long ago. But in another 5 years, many of us will be working full time in the jobs we will likely be stuck with for the following 5 years. We won't have to pay the extra $500 excess in the event of an accident. We will likely be living alone or with a partner. Some of us will have kids. Some of us will be memories of the past. Some of us will be quite well off. Some of us won't be. Some of us will be travelling the world. Some of us will still be in the same bedroom.
Where do you see yourself 5 years from now? And where did you see yourself being now, 5 years ago?
Posted by Steve at 2:29 AM
Stupid distractions... I planned on posting a blog here and then being in the shower and dressed and ready and out of the house at 9... its now 9.30 and i haven't done a thing except listen to music and talk to people on msn.
In my life; nothing's changed. Same old 'I don't know what to do with myself' and lack of motivation and stuff like that. Except my 21st is getting closer by the day... In a similar fashion to all temporally distanced events...
Hehe I just felt like making amy get a dictionary out :)
What has changed is that the group is almost gone. The first time I saw ben in a while was on wednesday (and I don't think I've seen him since). And that was just to give him a lift to his car cos it was raining. Before this weekend I hadn't seen sean or scott for close to two weeks I think. I can't even remember the last time I saw J or Ez. I know I've got Meg to keep me company these days, and Sean has Nat. So what's everyone else doing with themself?
Fudgey, you have some serious issues to resolve. Yes your right in saying you haven't been around much lately. Yes your right you do it when you have a girlfreind and people complain. Yes your right there haven't been any complaints about the lack of you.
Only complaints about what you say about others. People who you will one day try to talk to again like you were always their freind. Is it safe to assume that you smashed the window because you were fighting with amy?
Why would she try to contact you first after volleyball... You made it clear that we were all useless and you were so much better than us.
Just out of curiosity; which couple of members of the group are the only ones you "ever want to speak to again"?
Posted by Steve at 3:29 PM
Well, in somewhat slightly spontaneous act. I Typed up
I hereby resign my position with Woolworths Ltd.... Before going into work today and gave it to the boss when I got there. I had considered it but decided I should keep on working sundays but I've just had enough. Now I'm pretty much a bum.
With regards to Scott and Ben's comments to my last post... I think I do want to work in a university. I'll avoid all the practical stuff though if i can. I'd like to be a theoretician. I want to learn about string theory. And general rel. The kinds of physics that is more maths and philosophy than actually physics. I think as long as i survive my honours project that I'll apply to do my PhD... One thing that I have been thinking about that I hadn't previously considered is the option to do honours in maths instead of physics. Because none of the physics projects involve general rel... It's a toss up between string theory (with physics) or G.R. (with maths)... I think i'd like to do my honours project on G.R. but my PhD on string theory... but I don't think that's an option. I wonder if i'd be able to do a project with maths solely for the education next semester... then start honours in physics next year... String theorist... That job title has a good ring to it eh?
Hmm i got distracted from this post reading string theory pdf's... Wish it made more sense...
Posted by Steve at 6:33 AM
It's been so long since I've posted here. I was waiting for somebody else to start posting again, or somebody to comment and tell me to update. But it's like nobody reads these anymore.
Well it's been 2 months and 1 day since I was officially single... And I'm so happy. It's certainly different. We tend to fight too much whenever we go out... Meagan is still in the 'ooooh pubs', phase. Where going out as often as possible is fucking awesome... Whereas I'm actually over it. Beleive it or not. Most of the time I go out with her anyways. Partially because I just wanna see her and it means we will most likely spend the night together and partially because I worry. She gets way too drunk most of the time and doesnt know how she is getting home. Taxi I suppose. But she has a tendancy of fighting with her freinds when she is drunk and insisting on sitting somewhere at the side of the road. So if i dont go out i'm gonna end up getting up at 3.30am to come pick her up anyway... Might as well enjoy half the night if i go out... Just sucks getting tired and wanting to go home at 1-1.30 and she doesnt ever wanna go until 2.30-4 regime... But hey. I can put up with it.
I still have no idea what I want to do with my life... both present and future. For present, I am considering quiting 1-2 of my 3 current jobs. I've been trying to cut down my hours at safeway just to the sunday shift cos of both double time and i get my weekend back. But it doesn't look promising any time soon. I've got my friday night covered for the moment and every second saturday... but the other two blokes are both taking time off soon. So they are gonna try to make me do those shifts again probably and def not get the other saturday covered... Also the JD's shift.... It's so good, like easy as and not bad money. But, I really would like have a weekend. At the moment i'm getting 1 day off every two weeks. And I reckons I could get by without the money. Especially with a couple of hours at uni at $30 an hour. Still not sure what to do.
Slightly longer term.... What will i do at the end of this semester. Especially if i dont have a job... I wanted to go travelling. But I'm definately not going myself and doesnt look like anybody is comin with me. I'll have finished my degree but i wanna do honours. Which means I can either do the project first (if it isnt too late to apply) and then i'll finish that midway through next year. Or i can wait and start it next year which means doing the coursework first. Which i think would be easier. Also I'm not going overseas assuming I'm still with meagan anyways. I'd rather stay here and I dont think she'd be able to come with me.
But what do i really want once i'm done with uni anyway?? I can't realisticly see me publishing papers, with the title Prof. working at a university. Writing books. Making appearances on those weird SBS shows that try to teach stupid people stuff about the universe with flashy colours. So what else do I do with my degree? Do i do a PhD? Will they let me?
Posted by Steve at 4:41 AM
Well it's been quite some time since I (or anybody else) has updated.
I know I haven't been around much lately... But for the most part, nothing has really been organised for stuff to do... Except while I was in queensland. But now when something spontaneous is happening I have made other plans by then. I really want more than anything for Meagan to get along with you guys.
I keep trying to organise things but it doesnt work... I'm going to host predrinks at mine tomorrow... and i was like perfect opportunity... but meagan has to play netball so cant come...
It feels awkward around people now too... because it feels like most people have already decided she is rude and thats that.
I'm not trying to ditch anybody... I just want to be happy though... The last time I actually felt happy with myself was almost 2 years ago i think.
In other news, my holiday was great.
Posted by Steve at 12:13 AM
Weirdest hour ever.
At 10.40 I offered to loan a customer $20 out of my wallet and he said he'd be back at 11 to pay me back. He did... Just... It's good to actually feel that there is some good left in people.
But then with this thought leaving work, i witnessed a driver throwing bottles out of his car at a ute... "mojoss"... and trying to jump into the ute and swinging open his door at the ute and trying to kick it into the ute while traveling at about 100... i followed and memorised the number plate.. then got outta the way to call the cops.. I no longer have the plate memorised though the number was 840 and i think it started with a p... (not ptx820 which is all my brain seems to wanna recall atm, which i think was the guy that got ben, though hrrm.. i should check that again). I forgot it because when i did a u-turn to go back after them to see if the guy was ok i found a guy stumbling about at the side of the road trying to flag down a car...
No, it was totally unrelated. However i recognised him as a customer i've seen at work. And when i stopped to ask if he was ok he appeared quite the contrary. and explained he has just been beaten with a bat and was at frankston hospital but is now walking home... So i picked up the guy and drove him to cranny where he explained how this guy thought he was having an affair with his wife or something and just jumped him with a bat and then because he had a history with prescription drugs 15 years prior the nurse at the hospital thought thats all he was after so he just got up and left frankston hospital to try to walk home to cranbourne.. with no phone, wallet or keys.
In other news... our holiday is booked. leaving on the 10th of feb and coming back on the 17th. I am so excited about it
Posted by Steve at 4:47 AM
Maybe going to surfers... Looking optomistic. I'm so excited!
If all goes according to plan, I will be gone from monday 12th feb until friday or saturday (16th, 17th)... Here's to hoping!
Posted by Steve at 8:32 PM
In case anybody actually still checks these blogs on a regular case; I'm sorry. For a while I was updating regularly, albeit everything I say is crud. I use that word too much and now all of a sudden I've decided it doesn't look like a word. Strange. Albeit.
One word that has always confused me is the spelling of the colour gray. As it turns out both grey and gray are correct. Stupid word.
In more important news, and while i'm sure everybody is sick of hearing about her by now, things are going good with Meagan (I think so anyways). And if you are sick of hearing it then stop reading! Camping didnt happen. So i did get to see her all weekend :D asides from while i was at work. She's stayed here 5 nights in the past week, though part of that is contributed to both of our families being away. It was really nice. Although last night after work she drove to Lorne to where her family is staying and won't come back until saturday for a party bus. And i'll be at work until 9 so she'll be gone before i see her. And then i'm working all day and all night sunday. So again i won't see her. Though i'm trying to get sunday night off work and kill two birds with one stone. Because then I can play volleyball on sunday and then i'll be able to see Meagan after... hmm... Amy, your an idiot... you told me volleyball was on this sunday... its next sunday!!!
Hmm well then... we'll see what happens with that. Don't know if i should call back and tell them I can work or not.
I've been playing a bit of poker on the internet this past week... Not with real money yet.. But might do sometime soon... I wanna go to the casino again too.
Speaking of.. I know i've asked people but i forget who said yes.... Who wants to have a big night out at crown sometime soonish? like gambling lasering arcade drinking(of course)... I'm talking about an overall quite expensive night
Posted by Steve at 9:40 PM
And I'm a million different people from one day to the next
I'm not gonna see her for a whole week cos she going away with family :(
Also i wont see her all weekend if she goes camping and i can't get work off... Heres to hoping i can get work off and go with them.
Hmm i never really have anything i feel like saying these days... i feel like posting, then i sit down and its even more crud than usual.
And the sign said Long haired freaky people; need not apply
Posted by Steve at 4:51 PM
So freaking tired but i don't feel like sleeping atm. Meagan has stayed here 3 nights out of the last four I realised today. That might have something to do with it. It feels lonely now going to bed without saying goodnight to somebody. It took until last night to finally find a position to sleep in, in which we are both comfortable enough to sleep...
I really wanna make it work with meagan. I have to try very hard to control my jealously... I have a habit of getting jealous way too easy and unwarrented... I've warned meagan this after i've said something once... and I told her if i ever get like that just hit me and remind me that im an idiot... lol... One of my many flaws.
I wanna be a good boyfreind. :)
Hmm other notes... work is shitting me up the wall... though on the upside i havent been spending much money at all lately especially not drinking... and with my car playing up last week there was no petrol cost either... so i'm saving a bit of money up on top of money from christmas. 6 months ago it woulda been long gone on extractors and a chip but i'm over the car thing... It doesn't need to go faster... Do have insurance due in march which'll hurt a bit.. though hopefully since i've been driving nearly 3 years(... FUCK!! i'm feeling old... ) without a claim it won't be extortionate...
Posted by Steve at 4:20 AM
Well... for anybody who cares... the long anticipated wait is over... you can all shut up.
What i'm referring to is Meagan and I are finally together. Huzzah... now.... who wants to be set up with one of her freinds so we can double date :P:P.... lol
I was joking with her about that this morning... but couldnt think of anybody that we could really set up... so darn.
What else is going on? This year I have had 1 light beer and 1 heavy beer... doing well... decided 10km IS too much... and possibly and distance walk/jog is too much in this heat... especially since i dont get out of bed until like 11.30-12 most days when its fucking scorching. So there goes one new years resolution down the drain already... My car is a piece of crap.. considering borrowing some money and getting a new one actually... almost certainly wont though.
Posted by Steve at 5:59 PM
First on today agenda: Caffiene.
Caffiene is not my freind.
Last night i was driving. So in order to ensure i'd still be having fun all night i had two nodoz with a red bull and a V... As you can probably assume. I didnt sleep last night. Now i feel weak, sick and tired. I keep thinking if i just have more caffiene i'll last through the day and i'll sleep tonight... But i dont think i should do that.
Anyways, despite all efforts to resist because she seemed quite drunk; I ended up kissing meagan in the car until 5.15-5.30 this morning... Thats what your all waiting to hear i know.. Your probably all waiting to hear more but get fucked then.
Time for a little jovi...
I'm a fighter, I'm a poet, I'm a preacher.
Posted by Steve at 3:58 PM